Admissions Policy


Lansbury Bridge School & Sports College is a community special school maintained by St Helens Council. The school makes provision for 223 pupils aged between three and sixteen. The school makes provision for boys and girls with complex special educational needs who have an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP)  including physical disabilities, medical difficulties, autistic spectrum disorders / conditions, and learning difficulties.

Lansbury Bridge can only consider children and young people for admission following a request for a place from the St Helens Local Authority (LA). Please find details at

Or, by contacting the School Admissions Team as below:

01744 671027 (In Year Transfers)

01744 671030 (Year 7 Admissions)

01744 671035 (Reception Year and Nursery Admissions)

Schools are able to refer pupils for admission to Lansbury Bridge via their Inclusion Officer who will also advise on the process and timescales for admission.

Parents can request consideration for placement at Lansbury Bridge via their child’s current school or direct to the LA via the Children's Services Additional Needs Manager (01744 671105). A representative from the St Helens Parent Partnership Service (01744 822160) may be able to provide advice and support to parents considering requesting a place in a special school.

Following a request for a place from St Helens LA, school will convene an admissions panel to identify the provision needed to fully meet the needs of the child. This enables us to make a decision whether or not we feel Lansbury can meet the needs of the child, and if so, to ensure the necessary resources are in place for when the child joins the school.